Shadow Cabinet Definition Quizlet

The shadow cabinet is a feature of the westminster system of government. it consists of a senior group of opposition spokespeople who, under the leadership of the leader of the opposition, form an alternative cabinet to that of the government,. The shadow cabinet is the team of senior spokespeople chosen by the leader of the opposition to mirror the cabinet in government. each member of the shadow cabinet is appointed to lead on a specific policy area for their party and to question and challenge their counterpart in the cabinet.. Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) rate this definition:. inner cabinet (noun). the (often informal) inner circle within a cabinet (which may itself by an official inner circle within a government or council of ministers) which includes only the ministers (or secretaries of state etc.) who are closest to the executive head of state, prime minister or equivalent (notably presiding) officer.

Shadow cabinet � � � shadow cabinet is an important concept in parliamentary democracy. in order to ensure that the relevant minister is doing his or her job. it is normally 24 . refers to a group of opposition members of parliament who assume the roles and duties of government ministers.. Cabinet government definition is - a government in which the real executive power rests with a cabinet of ministers who are individually and collectively responsible to the legislature. a government in which the real executive power rests with a cabinet of ministers who are individually and collectively responsible to the�. Definition formal constitutional authority of the president to reject bills passed by both houses of the legislative body, thus preventing the bill from becoming law without further congressional activity.

shadow cabinet definition quizlet